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Prensa méd. argent ; 109(6): 229-237, 20230000. tab, fig
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1526663


Introducción: el embarazo causa adaptaciones en el riñón, tanto en anatomía como en función, para mantener el entorno extracelular, hemodinámico y hormonal. Sin embargo, estos pueden no llevarse a cabo de manera completamente óptima en presencia de enfermedad renal. El objetivo era estudiar la relación entre la enfermedad renal y los resultados maternos de fetal durante el embarazo, asociado con un rechazo por paciente y/o en relación con el tratamiento especializado. Material y métodos: estudio observacional y retrospectivo en una serie de casos, revisando 134 archivos de pacientes embarazadas con cierto grado de enfermedad renal antes del embarazo. Los resultados maternos registrados fueron: enfermedad hipertensiva durante el embarazo, deterioro renal agudo, necesidad de terapia de sustitución renal y en productos: prematuridad, restricción del crecimiento intrauterino, muerte fetal y aborto espontáneo. Resultados: Resultados maternos: tasa media de filtración glomerular (GFR) de 58.23 ml/min, aumento de peso de 7 kg; La preeclampsia fue diagnosticada en 92 mujeres (55 severas). 46 pacientes mostraron lesión renal aguda, 40 se resolvieron conservativamente; 1 requirió diálisis peritoneal y 15 hemodiálisis (con una decisión retrasada un promedio de un mes por rechazo por paciente y/o pariente). La resolución del embarazo fue por cesárea en 111 pacientes; Nacieron 116 productos antes de las 37 semanas de gestación, con un peso promedio de 1910 g, 94 mostraron restricción del crecimiento intrauterino. Conclusión: la enfermedad renal influyó directamente en el mayor número de resultados adversos maternos y fetales cuando se rechazó la atención médica especializada. Existe una correlación entre el ligero estado de Davison con los estados I, II y IIIA de Kdigo en el análisis de correspondencia

Introduction: Pregnancy causes adaptations in the kidney, both in anatomy and function, to maintain the extracellular, hemodynamic and hormonal environment. However, these may not be carried out completely optimally in the presence of kidney disease. The objective was to study the relation between kidney disease and maternal-fetal outcomes during pregnancy, associated with a rejection by patient and/or relative to specialized treatment. Material and Methods: Observational, retrospective study in a series of cases, reviewing 134 files of pregnant patients with some degree of kidney disease prior to pregnancy. Maternal outcomes recorded were: hypertensive disease during pregnancy, acute renal deterioration, need for renal substitution therapy, and in products: prematurity, restriction of intrauterine growth, fetal death and miscarriage. Results: Maternal outcomes: mean glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 58.23ml/min, weight gain of 7 kg; preeclampsia was diagnosed in 92 women (55 severe). 46 patients showed acute renal lesion, 40 were conservatively resolved; 1 required peritoneal dialysis and 15 hemodialysis (with decision delayed an average of one month by rejection by patient and/or relative). Resolution of pregnancy was by cesarean in 111 patients; 116 products were born before 37 weeks of gestation, with average weight of 1910 g, 94 showed restriction of intrauterine growth. Conclusion: Kidney disease directly influenced the greater number of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes when specialized medical care was rejected. There is a correlation between slight Davison state with states I, II and IIIa of KDIGO in correspondence analysis.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/pathology , Pregnancy , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/pathology , Glomerular Filtration Rate
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 825, 30 Junio 2023. tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451750


INTRODUCCIÓN. La enfermedad renal crónica es definida como la pérdida progresiva, permanente e irreversible de la función renal, uno de los tratamientos es el trasplante renal el mismo que aumenta la calidad de vida de los pacientes que presentan esta patología, sin embargo, a pesar de ser uno de las mejores terapias no está exento de complicaciones especialmente las que se presentan posterior al acto quirúrgico ya que afectan al buen funcionamiento del injerto y afecta la supervivencia del mismo. OBJETIVO. Determinar la prevalencia de complicaciones clínicas y quirúrgicas en el postrasplante renal inmediato con el fin de identificar las principales complicaciones que ocasionan mayor deterioro en la función renal a corto plazo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Estudio Observacional descriptivo transversal, de pacientes trasplantados que se encuentran en seguimiento desde enero del 2015 hasta diciembre del 2018 en el servicio de Trasplante renal del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín. La muestra será los 211 pacientes trasplantados de donante cadavérico. Los análisis se realizaron con el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS versión 25, para lo cual se empleó estadísticas descriptivas, utilizando tablas y representando los valores absolutos y relativos de las variables cualitativas, así como medidas de tendencia central y de variabilidad para las variables cuantitativas. RESULTADOS. Se estudiaron 193 pacientes trasplantados de los cuales el 49.66% tuvieron complicaciones, de los mismos el 33.16% fueron complicaciones clínicas y 16,5% complicaciones quirúrgicas; de las clínicas la infección de tracto urinario fueron las más prevalentes con 15%, seguida por el rechazo agudo 6,7%, las infecciones por virus poliomavirus BK fueron un porcentaje de 6,2%, la necrosis tubular aguda el 3,16% terminando con el rechazo hiperagudo en el 1,5% y la toxicidad por calcineurínicos 1,04%. Mientras tanto las complicaciones quirúrgicas las urológicas son las más prevalentes 8,8% seguida por las colecciones liquidas con el 6,74% finalmente la trombosis vascular con el 1,04%. CONCLUSIONES. Las complicaciones más prevalentes son las clínicas vs las quirúrgicas, afectando de igual forma la función renal al año sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa.

INTRODUCTION. Chronic kidney disease is defined as the progressive, permanent and irreversible loss of renal function, one of the treatments is renal transplantation, which increases the quality of life of patients with this pathology, however, despite being one of the best therapies, it is not free of complications, especially those that occur after surgery, since they affect the proper functioning of the graft and affect its survival. OBJECTIVE. To determine the prevalence of clinical and surgical complications in immediate post-renal transplantation in order to identify the main complications that cause greater deterioration in short-term renal function. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Cross-sectional descriptive observational study, of transplanted patients under follow-up from January 2015 to December 2018 in the Renal Transplant service of the Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín. The sample will be the 211 cadaveric donor transplanted patients. The analyses were performed with the IBM SPSS version 25 statistical package, for which descriptive statistics were used, using tables and representing the absolute and relative values of qualitative variables, as well as measures of central tendency and variability for quantitative variables. RESULTS. We studied 193 transplanted patients of whom 49.66% had complications, of which 33. Of the clinical complications, urinary tract infection was the most prevalent with 15%, followed by acute rejection 6.7%, polyomavirus BK infections were 6.2%, acute tubular necrosis 3.16%, ending with hyperacute rejection in 1.5% and calcineurin toxicity 1.04%. Meanwhile, urological surgical complications are the most prevalent 8.8% followed by liquid collections with 6.74% and finally vascular thrombosis with 1.04%. CONCLUSIONS. The most prevalent complications are clinical vs. surgical, affecting renal function at one year with no statistically significant difference.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Postoperative Complications , Lymphocele , Kidney Transplantation , Venous Thrombosis , Urinoma , Graft Rejection , Mortality , Ecuador , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Immunosuppressive Agents , Kidney Function Tests
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 11(1): 1-7, Jan. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524589


Objetivo: o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os fatores clínicos e medicamentosos relacionados com a redução da Taxa de Filtração Glomerular (TFG) em pacientes críticos em uso de vancomicina. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal em que pacientes em uso de vancomicina, maiores de 18 anos, hospitalizados em terapia intensiva, foram selecionados no período de agosto a dezembro de 2019. Foram excluídos os pacientes que tiveram permanência inferior a 48h na unidade, aqueles com doença renal crônica e/ou que tiveram antimicrobiano suspenso nas primeiras 48h. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram coletados do prontuário nas mesmas datas das coletas de amostras sanguíneas. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas no vale a partir do terceiro dia de tratamento. Os níveis de vancomicina foram medidos usando VANC VITROS ®. Os dados foram analisados através do software R. Resultados: 54 pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 68,5% do sexo masculino, 98,1% em ventilação mecânica, com foco respiratório (51,2%) e isolado Acinetobacter baumanni (38,0%). As concentrações de vancomicina variaram entre 5,0 e 50,0µg/mL, média 21,6 (DP: 10,6) µg/mL; 50% dos pacientes apresentaram concentração acima de 20µg/mL e 66,7% piora da TFG após o tratamento. A concentração de vancomicina foi a única variável diretamente relacionada com o desenvolvimento da alteração na função renal (p=0.0037). Não foi possível estabelecer a influência da comedicação na redução da taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG). Conclusão: as doses usuais de vancomicina ajustadas por meio da função renal não atingiram os níveis séricos terapêuticos recomendados de vancomicina, sendo relacionados à nefrotoxicidade.

Objective: we aimed to evaluate clinical and drug factors related to the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) reduction in critically ill patients using vancomycin. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study where critically ill patients using vancomycin, aged over 18 years, were selected from August to December 2019. Patients were excluded when hospitalized for less than 48 hours in the unit, those with chronic kidney disease, and/or who had their antimicrobial suspended in the first 48 hours. Clinical and laboratory data were collected from the medical record on the same days as the blood sample collection. All blood samples were collected at the trough during the third day of vancomycin treatment. Vancomycin levels were measured using VANC VITROS ®. Data analysis was analyzed by R software. Results: 54 patients were included, 68.5% male, 98.1% mechanical ventilation, respiratory focus (51.2%), and isolation of Acinetobacter baumanni (38.0%). Vancomycin concentrations ranged between 5.0 and 50.0µg/mL, mean of 21.6 (SD: 10.6) µg/mL; 50% of patients with concentrations above 20µg/mL and 66.7% worsened GFR after vancomycin treatment. Vancomycin concentration was the only variable directly related to the development of renal malfunction (p=0.0037). It was not possible to establish the influence of co-medication in the reduction of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Conclusion: the usual doses of vancomycin adjusted by renal function did not reach the recommended therapeutic serum levels of vancomycin, being related to nephrotoxicity.

Adult , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Vancomycin , Cross-Sectional Studies
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440051


El conocimiento y actualización sobre la Cistatina C como marcador de daño renal precoz es en extremo necesario para los profesionales de la salud con vistas a mejorar el diagnóstico temprano de enfermedad renal. Las autoras realizaron una revisión bibliográfica actualizada a través de varios estudios científicos, lo que permitió poder informar que aun cuando para la evaluación de la función renal uno de los marcadores sanguíneos convencionales más utilizados es la creatinina, el estudio sanguíneo de Cistatina C no está sometido a diferentes fuentes de variabilidad biológica, ni a factores dependientes del paciente, por lo que sería idóneo tenerlo en cuenta como marcador de función renal precoz.

Knowledge and updating on Cystatin C as a marker of early kidney damage is extremely necessary for health professionals with a view to improving early diagnosis of kidney disease. The authors carried out an updated bibliographical review through various scientific studies, which allowed us to inform that even when for the evaluation of renal function one of the most widely used conventional blood markers is creatinine, the Cystatin C blood study is not subjected to different sources of biological variability, nor to factors dependent on the patient, so it would be ideal to take it into account as a marker of early renal function.

Creatinine , Education, Medical , Cystatin C , Glomerular Filtration Rate
Journal of Southern Medical University ; (12): 225-231, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971519


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the association between depressive symptoms and the risks of rapid decline in renal function and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in middle-aged and elderly with normal kidney function.@*METHODS@#The residents aged 40- 75 years with eGFR≥60 mL·min-1·1.73 m-2 without proteinuria in Lanzhou region, who participated in the "REACTION" study carried out in 2011, were selected and followed up in 2014. A total of 4961 individuals with complete and qualified data from the two surveys were included in the subsequent analysis. Based on PHQ-9 questionnaire scores, the baseline population was divided into two groups with and without depressive symptoms. Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to compare the incidences of rapid renal function decline and CKD between the two groups and study the association of depressive symptoms with the risk of these renal conditions.@*RESULTS@#PHQ-9 questionnaire scores were not found to correlate with baseline SCr, ALB, UACR or eGFR levels among the participarts (P>0.05). After a mean follow-up time of 3.4±0.6 years, 33.9% of the participants with depressive symptoms at baseline experienced a rapid decline in renal function and 3.6% progressed to CKD. During the follow-up, the incidence of rapid decline in renal function and the risk of developing CKD were not found to correlate with depressive symptoms in these participants (P>0.05) regardless of the type of the depressive syndromes.@*CONCLUSION@#Depressive symptoms are not associated with the risks of rapid renal function decline or progression to CKD in middle-aged and elderly with normal kidney function.

Aged , Middle Aged , Humans , Cohort Studies , Depression , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Disease Progression , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/epidemiology , Kidney/physiology , Risk Factors
Journal of Central South University(Medical Sciences) ; (12): 40-48, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971369


OBJECTIVES@#The excretion of urinary vitamin D-binding protein (uVDBP) is related to the occurrence and development of early-stage renal damage in patients with Type 2 diabetes (T2DM). This study aims to explore the significance of detecting uVDBP in T2DM patients and its relationship with renal tubules, and to provide a new direction for the early diagnosis of T2DM renal damage.@*METHODS@#A total of 105 patients with T2DM, who met the inclusion criteria, were included as a patient group, and recruited 30 individuals as a normal control group. The general information and blood and urine biochemical indicators of all subjects were collected; the levels of uVDBP, and a marker of tubular injury [urine kidney injury molecule 1 (uKIM-1), urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL) and urine retinol-binding protein (uRBP)] were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results were corrected by urinary creatinine (Cr) to uVDBP/Cr, uKIM-1/Cr, uNGAL/Cr and uRBP/Cr. The Pearson's and Spearman's correlation tests were used to analyze the correlation between uVDBP/Cr and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and markers of tubular injury, and multivariate linear regression and receiver operating characteristic curve were used to analyze the correlation between uVDBP/Cr and UACR or eGFR.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the normal control group, the uVDBP/Cr level in the patient group was increased (P<0.05), and which was positively correlated with UACR (r=0.774, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with eGFR (r=-0.397, P<0.01). There were differences in the levels of uKIM-1/Cr, uNGAL/Cr, and uRBP/Cr between the 2 groups (all P<0.01). The uVDBP/Cr was positively correlated with uKIM-1/Cr (r=0.752, P<0.01), uNGAL/Cr (r=0.644, P<0.01) and uRBP/Cr (r=0.812, P<0.01). The sensitivity was 90.0% and the specificity was 82.9% (UACR>30 mg/g) for evaluation of uVDBP/Cr on T2DM patients with early-stage renal damage, while the sensitivity was 75.0% and the specificity was 72.6% for evaluation of eGFR on T2DM patients with early-stage renal damage.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The uVDBP/Cr can be used as a biomarker in early-stage renal damage in T2DM patients.

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Creatinine , Vitamin D-Binding Protein/urine , Lipocalin-2/urine , Kidney/metabolism , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Biomarkers
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 7(3): [10], 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525542


Introducción: Las fórmulas para la estimación de la tasa de filtración glomerular son fundamentales para estimar el curso de enfermedades renales; incluso ha sido de gran ayuda para obtener datos de prevalencia. Las ecuaciones comparadas con otros métodos son una forma económica y rápida para dar una estimación de la función renal. Objetivo: Describir la utilización de diferentes fórmulas para calcular la tasa de filtración glomerular relacionada con la hipertensión arterial y otras patologías renales y cardiovasculares. Metodología: Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos de investigación en bases de datos como PubMed, Science-Direct, Embase y otras, se estableció un tiempo de publicación entre los años 2018-2022 y se seleccionaron 42 artículos científicos relacionados con el tema. Resultados: La hipertensión arterial es una situación que incrementa el riesgo tanto de enfermedad cardiovascular como de deterioro de la función renal, por lo que en los pacientes hipertensos se espera una relación estrecha en la expresión de ambas patologías. Existen factores que alteran los valores de la creatinina sérica como la dieta, el ejercicio, la edad, el género, la masa muscular, enfermedades musculares y medicamentos. El impacto de la hipertensión en la función renal está descrito además de la relación entre el deterioro de la función renal y el incremento del riesgo cardiovascular; es por esto que en los últimos años la estimación de la función renal se ha incorporado como un marcador de morbilidad y mortalidad cardiovascular. Conclusiones: La estimación de la tasa de filtración glomerular es importante en varios contextos clínicos, en especial en aquellos pacientes con enfermedades que afectan la función glomerular, la creatinina es el biomarcador más usado a pesar de sus evidentes limitaciones.

Introduction: Formulas for estimating glomerular fil-tration rate are fundamental for estimating the course of renal diseases; they have even been of great help in obtaining prevalence data. Equations compared with other methods are an economical and fast way to give an estimation of renal function. Objective: Describe the use of different formulas to calculate the glomerular filtration rate related to high blood pressure and other kidney or cardiovascular pa-thologies. Methodology: Research articles were searched in da-tabases such as PubMed, Science-Direct, Embase and others, a publication time was established between the years 2018-2022 and 42 scientific articles related to the topic were selected. Results: Arterial hypertension is a situation that in-creases the risk of both cardiovascular disease and re-nal function deterioration, so in hypertensive patients a close relationship in the expression of both pathologies is expected. There are factors that alter serum creati-nine values such as diet, exercise, age, gender, muscle mass, muscle diseases and medications. The impact of hypertension on renal function has been described in addition to the relationship between the deterioration of renal function and the increase in cardiovascular risk; this is why in recent years the estimation of renal func-tion has been incorporated as a marker of cardiovascu-lar morbidity and mortality. Conclusions: The estimation of glomerular filtration rate is important in several clinical contexts, especia-lly in those patients with diseases that affect glomerular function; creatinine is the most widely used biomarker despite its obvious limitations

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Creatinine/blood , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Hypertension , Cardiovascular Diseases , Kidney Diseases
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 280-286, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971137


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the diagnostic efficacy of seven glomerular filtration rate (GFR) evaluation formulas Schwartz2009, Schwartz1976, Counahan-Barratt, Filler, CKD-EPIscysc, Cockrofi-Gault, CKD-EPIScysC-Scr in high concentration of methotrexate (HDMTX) chemotherapy dose adjusted cut-off point (GFR ≤85 ml/min) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).@*METHODS@#One hundred and twenty-four children with ALL were included in the study. GFR determined by renal dynamic imaging (sGFR) was used as the standard to evaluate the accuracy, consistency of eGFR calculated by seven formulas and sGFR, and the diagnostic efficacy of each formula when the sGFR ≤85 ml/min boundary.@*RESULTS@#All of the accuracy of eGFR estimated by Schwartz2009 were greater than 70% in the 0-3, >4 and ≤6, >6 and ≤9, >9 and ≤16 years old group and male group, and the consistency exceeded the professional threshold. When the sensitivity of the ROC curve sGFR ≤85 ml/min was 100% of CKD-EPIscysc in the 0-3, >3 and ≤4 years old group, Filler in the >3 and ≤4 years old group, and Cockrofi-Gault in the >6 and ≤9 years old group, the specificity was 73.02%, 78.95%, 78.95%, 69.32%, respectively, and the AUC under the ROC curve was the largest (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Schwartz2009 formula predicts the highest accuracy of eGFR in the 7 glomerular filtration rate. CKD-EPIscysc, Filler, and Cockrofi-Gault formulas have more guiding signi-ficance for the adjustment of HDMTX chemotherapy in pre-adolescence in children with ALL when sGFR ≤85 ml/min.

Adolescent , Humans , Male , Child , Child, Preschool , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Methotrexate , Creatinine , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/drug therapy , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/diagnosis
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences ; (12): 231-240, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970312


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the association between serum uric acid (SUA) and kidney function decline.@*METHODS@#Data was obtained from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study on the Chinese middle-aged and older population for analysis. The kidney function decline was defined as an annual estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) decrease by > 3 mL/min per 1.73 m 2. Multivariable logistic regression was applied to determine the association between SUA and kidney function decline. The shape of the association was investigated by restricted cubic splines.@*RESULTS@#A total of 7,346 participants were included, of which 1,004 individuals (13.67%) developed kidney function decline during the follow-up of 4 years. A significant dose-response relation was recorded between SUA and the kidney function decline ( OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.03-1.27), as the risk of kidney function decline increased by 14% per 1 mg/dL increase in SUA. In the subgroup analyses, such a relation was only recorded among women ( OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.03-1.45), those aged < 60 years ( OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.05-1.42), and those without hypertension and without diabetes ( OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.06-1.41). Although the dose-response relation was not observed in men, the high level of SUA was related to kidney function decline ( OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.05-3.17). The restricted cubic spline analysis indicated that SUA > 5 mg/dL was associated with a significantly higher risk of kidney function decline.@*CONCLUSION@#The SUA level was associated with kidney function decline. An elevation of SUA should therefore be addressed to prevent possible kidney impairment and dysfunction.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , China/epidemiology , East Asian People , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Kidney/physiopathology , Longitudinal Studies , Risk Factors , Uric Acid/blood
Journal of Central South University(Medical Sciences) ; (12): 725-732, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982342


OBJECTIVES@#Diabetic kidney disease is one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), and it is a main cause for chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease (ESRD). It is important to find out the factors that cause the progression of renal function. The study aims to explore the relationship between serum uric acid (SUA) trajectory and the progression of renal function in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).@*METHODS@#A total of 846 patients with T2DM, who were admitted to the Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology, the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, from January 2009 to December 2021 and met the criteria of baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)≥60 mL/(min·1.73 m2), were selected as the research subjects. The SUA data of multiple measurements were collected and identified as different SUA trajectories by group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM). According to the SUA trajectories, the patients were divided into a low trajectory group (105 cases), a middle trajectory group (396 cases), a middle high trajectory group (278 cases), and a high trajectory group (67 cases). Cox regression analysis was used to examine the effect of SUA trajectory on the progression of renal function in patients with T2DM. Subgroup analysis was performed by sex, age, course of disease, body mass index (BMI) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c).@*RESULTS@#The median follow-up was 4.8 years. At the end of follow-up, 158 patients had different degrees of decline in renal function. After adjusting for multiple confounding factors by Cox regression analysis, the risks of eGFR<60 mL/(min·1.73 m2), eGFR reduction rate≥50%, serum creatinine (Scr) doubling and composite endpoint (eGFR reduction rate≥50%, Scr doubling or ESRD) in the high trajectory group were significantly higher than those in the low trajectory group, with HR of 3.84 (95% CI 1.83 to 8.05), 6.90 (95% CI 2.27 to 20.96), 6.29 (95% CI 2.03 to 19.52), and 8.04 (95% CI 2.68 to 24.18), respectively. There was no significant difference in the risk of ESRD among the above 4 groups (all P>0.05). Subgroup analysis showed that: compared with the low trajectory group, the risks of eGFR<60 mL/(min·1.73 m2) in patients with high trajectory in the subgroup of male, female, age<65 years, course of disease<10 years, BMI≥24 kg/m2 and HbA1c≥7% were increased (all P<0.05). The SUA trajectory had no interaction with sex, age, course of disease, BMI and HbA1c (all interactive P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The high SUA trajectory increases the risk for progression of renal function in patients with T2DM. Long-term longitudinal changes of SUA should be paid attention to.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Cohort Studies , Uric Acid , Glycated Hemoglobin , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Kidney Failure, Chronic/complications , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Kidney/physiology , Risk Factors
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e21077, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429974


Abstract Teicoplanin is a glycopeptide antibiotic commonly used to treat Gram-positive bacterial infections in the clinic. The aim of this study was to provide a therapeutic reference for the clinical application and dosage regimen adjustment of teicoplanin by identifying factors associated with its plasma trough concentration (Ctrough). A retrospective study was performed on patients with suspected or documented Gram-positive infections who were hospitalized from November 2017 to January 2020 and treated with teicoplanin while undergoing routine therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). A total of 112 Ctrough trough measurements were obtained from 72 patients were included in this study. SPSS software was used for correlation analysis and receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC) analysis. The Ctrough for teicoplanin showed statistically significant relationships (P<0.05) with PLT, Scr, CLcr, eGFR, BUN and Cys-C. ROC curve analysis revealed that CLcr and eGFR were more sensitive and specific for Ctrough compared to the other factors. These findings should be considered in the clinical application of teicoplanin and for its dosage adjustment.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Patients/classification , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/pathology , Teicoplanin/analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Drug Monitoring/instrumentation , Creatinine/adverse effects , Glomerular Filtration Rate
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 80 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444520


A taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) é uma medida utilizada para avaliação da função renal. O envelhecimento e o aumento da prevalência de Doenças Crônicas não Transmissíveis (DCNT) acentuam a perda da função renal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a prevalência, incidência, variação temporal e mortalidade da taxa de filtração glomerar diminuída em idosos residentes no município de São Paulo. Este é um estudo de coorte com dados do Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento com amostra probabilística e representativa dos idosos residentes em São Paulo. Foram utilizados dados da coorte coletados em 2010 e 2016. A variável dependente TFG foi calculada por meio da equação Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) de 2021. Para avaliar fatores associados à prevalência e incidência da TFG diminuída foram realizados teste do qui-quadrado com correção de Rao-Scott e modelo de regressão logística. Para avaliar fatores associados à variação temporal da TFG foram realizados modelos de regressão logística e linear. Para a mortalidade foi utilizado modelo de regressão de Cox. As análises estatísticas foram realizados no programa Stata/SE 13.0 utilizando o modo survey, considerando os pesos amostrais para manter a representatividade da população. A prevalência da TFG diminuída em 2010 foi de 17,3%, a média da TFG foi de 75,6 mL/min/1,73m2 (EP=0,54). A TFG diminuída associou-se positivamente à maior idade, hipertensão, doença cardiovascular, maior número de comorbidades e atividade física foi fator de proteção. A incidência de TFG diminuída no período de 2010 a 2016 foi de 14,9%, cerca de 2,5% a cada ano. Associou-se à incidência de TFG diminuída a maior idade, presença de hipertensão arterial, percepção de saúde regular/ruim/muito ruim e maior número de comorbidades. 68,1% dos idosos tiveram piora da TFG neste período e a queda média da TFG foi de 1 mL/min/1,73m2 ao ano. Idosos com TFG <45 mL/min/1,73m2 tiveram aumento de 50% no risco de óbito quando comparados com aqueles que tinham ≥60 mL/min/1,73m2. O declínio da função renal ocorre muitas vezes de forma silenciosa e a alta prevalência de comorbidades contribui para a piora da TFG. A monitoração da função renal nos idosos é de suma importância para acompanhamento de saúde da população idosa.

The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a measure used to assess kidney function. Aging and the increase in the prevalence of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) accentuate the loss of kidney function. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence, incidence, temporal variation and mortality of decreased glomerular filtration rate in elderly residents of the city of São Paulo. This is a cohort study with data from the SABE Study - Health, Wellbeing and Aging with a probabilistic and representative sample of elderly residents in São Paulo. Cohort data collected in 2010 and 2016 were used. The dependent variable GFR was calculated using the 2021 Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. -square with Rao-Scott correction and logistic regression model. To assess factors associated with temporal variation in GFR, logistic and linear regression models were performed. For mortality, a Cox regression model was used. Statistical analyzes were performed using the Stata/SE 13.0 program using survey mode, considering sample weights to maintain representativeness of the population. The prevalence of decreased GFR in 2010 was 17.3%, the mean GFR was 75.6 mL/min/1.73m2 (SE=0.54). Decreased GFR was positively associated with older age, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, a greater number of comorbidities, and physical activity was a protective factor. The incidence of decreased GFR in the period 2010 to 2016 was 14.9%, about 2.5% each year. The incidence of reduced GFR was associated with older age, presence of arterial hypertension, perception of fair/poor/very poor health and a greater number of comorbidities. 68.1% of the elderly had a worsening of GFR in this period and the mean drop in GFR was 1 mL/min/1.73m2 per year. Elderly people with GFR <45 mL/min/1.73m2 had a 50% increase in the risk of death when compared to those with ≥60 mL/min/1.73m2. The decline in renal function often occurs silently and the high prevalence of comorbidities contributes to the worsening of GFR. Monitoring renal function in the elderly is of paramount importance for monitoring the health of the elderly population.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Health of the Elderly , Epidemiology , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Population Dynamics
Med. infant ; 29(4): 286-291, dic 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1416008


Introducción: el método recomendado para la medición de creatinina plasmática (Cr) es el enzimático, que permite obtener la tasa de filtrado glomerular estimado (TFGe) con la fórmula Full-Age-Spectrum (FAS) para todas las edades, al normalizar la TFGe con valores poblacionales de Cr. Objetivos: obtener valores poblacionales de Cr medida con un método enzimático y evaluar la fórmula FAS, en una población pediátrica ambulatoria de la Argentina, puesto que no existen publicaciones al respecto en nuestro país. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal, por muestreo consecutivo. Se consideró la población pediátrica ambulatoria de 2 a 17 años que concurrió una sola vez, entre 07/2018 y 11/2021 al laboratorio del Hospital Municipal (Bahía Blanca, Argentina) con petición médica de Cr. Se evaluó la distribución poblacional de Cr. Se comparó FAS original (FAS-Belga) con FAS normalizada con valores locales de Cr (FAS-Local). Resultados: se estudiaron 2793 individuos. Los varones tuvieron un valor de Cr superior al de las mujeres a los 16 y 17 años. La TFGe fue menor con FAS-Local que con FAS-Belga [mediana (RI) mL/min/1,73 m2 : 107,3 (22,9) vs. 117,0 (26,5); p=0,0001; rbis=0,87 (tamaño del efecto grande)]. Del análisis del gráfico de Bland-Altman y el índice de concordancia Kappa se obtuvo que FAS-Local no fue comparable con FAS-Belga. Conclusiones: los valores poblacionales de Cr, medida con un método enzimático, son los primeros en obtenerse en una población pediátrica ambulatoria argentina. Dichos valores son necesarios para aplicar FAS en la Argentina (AU)

Introduction: the recommended test for the measurement of plasma creatinine (Cr) is the enzymatic method, which allows calculating the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) with the Full-Age-Spectrum (FAS) equation for all ages, by normalizing the eGFR with population Cr values. Objectives: to obtain population Cr values measured with an enzymatic method and to evaluate the FAS equation in an pediatric outpatient population in Argentina, since there are no reports on this subject in our country. Material and methods: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional, consecutive sampling study. The pediatric outpatient population aged 2 to 17 years who attended only once to the laboratory of the Municipal Hospital (Bahía Blanca, Argentina) between 07/2018 and 11/2021 with medical request for Cr measurement. The population distribution of Cr was evaluated. The original FAS (FAS-Belgian) was compared to FAS normalized with local Cr values (FAS-Local). Results: 2793 individuals were studied. Males had a higher Cr value than females at 16 and 17 years of age. The eGFR was lower with FAS-Local than with FAS-Belgian [median (IQR) mL/min/1.73 m2: 107.3 (22.9) vs. 117.0 (26.5); p=0.0001; rbis=0.87 (large effect size)]. Analysis of the Bland-Altman plot and the Kappa concordance index showed that FAS-Local was not comparable to FAS-Belgian. Conclusions: population Cr values, measured with an enzymatic method, are the first to be obtained in an Argentine pediatric outpatient population. These values are necessary to apply the FAS in Argentina (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Creatinine/analysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/diagnosis , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Kidney Function Tests , Argentina , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 1-12, sept. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518696


INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad renal crónica se encuentra en ascenso.Prevenir o retardar su progresión mediante la aplicación de estrategias dirigidas al diagnóstico precoz es esencial. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la utilidad de la fórmula HUGE para el diagnóstico de Enfermedad Renal Crónica en el anciano. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo prospectivo y de corte longitudinal en 260 adultos mayores que ingresaron en los servicios de Geriatría y Medicina Interna del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras" en el período enero de 2019 y junio de 2020. RESULTADOS: El 58,5% de la muestra de estudio fueron mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 77,1 ± 7,3 años. La enfermedad renal crónica estuvo presente en el 64,2% de los pacientes. Se observó mayor frecuencia de pacientes con daño renal (32,7%) al emplear la formula CKD­ EPI en comparación con los identificados al emplear la fórmula HUGE (25,0%). Al estimar la concordancia entre ambas fórmulas se observó un estadístico kappa (k) de 0,814 (IC de 95%:0,7370 - 0,8909; p < 0,001). La sensibilidad de la fórmula de HUGE fue de un 76,5% (IC de 95%: 66,9% - 86,1%) y la especificidad de un 100% (99,7% - 100%). El valor predictivo positivo fue de 100 % (IC de 95%: 99,2% - 100%) y el negativo de 89,7% (85,2% - 94,2%). CONCLUSIONES: La fórmula CKD-EPI identifica daño renal en mayor porcentaje, en estadios precoces. Por el contrario, la fórmula de HUGE, detecta el daño renal en un porcentaje mayor en estadios más avanzados.La concordancia para diagnosticar daño renal entre la fórmula CKD-EPI y HUGE fue muy buena. La fórmula HUGE es útil, sensible y específica para evaluar la enfermedad renal crónica en los adultos mayores.

INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease is on the rise. Preventing or delaying its progression through the application of strategies aimed at early diagnosis is essential. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of the HUGE formula for the diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in the elderly. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A prospective, descriptive and longitudinal observational study was carried out in 260 older adults who were admitted to the Geriatrics and Internal Medicine services of the "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Surgical Clinical Hospital between January 2019 and June 2020. RESULTS: 58.5% of the study sample was women. The mean age was 77.1 ± 7.3 years. CKD was present in 64.2% of the patients. A higher frequency of patients with kidney damage (32.7%) was observed when using the CKD ­ EPI formula compared to those identified when using the HUGE (25.0%). When estimating the concordance between both formulas, a kappa statistic (k) of 0.814 (95% CI: 0.7370 - 0.8909; p < 0.001) was observed. The sensitivity of the HUGE formula was 76.5% (95% CI: 66.9% - 86.1%) and the specificity was 100% (99.7% - 100%). The positive predictive value was 100% (95% CI: 99.2% - 100%) and the negative predictive value was 89.7% (85.2% - 94.2%). CONCLUSIONS: The CKD-EPI formula identifies kidney damage in a higher percentage, in early stages. On the contrary, the HUGE formula detects kidney damage in a higher percentage in more advanced stages. The concordance to diagnose kidney damage between the CKD-EPI and HUGE formula was very good. The HUGE formula is useful, sensitive, and specific for evaluating chronic kidney disease in older adults.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/diagnosis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/blood , Urea/blood , Sex Factors , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Creatinine , Mathematical Concepts , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Hematocrit
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 56(1): 43-74, ene. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402946


Resumen El filtrado glomerular (FG) se considera el mejor índice para evaluar la función renal en la práctica clínica. Recientemente, ha ganado popularidad la utilización de ecuaciones que estiman el FG, en distintas poblaciones, a partir de los niveles séricos de algunos biomarcadores. Sin embargo, no todas las fórmulas han sido validadas en los diversos escenarios clínicos probables. Las sociedades participantes: Sociedad Argentina de Nefrología, Asociación Bioquímica Argentina, Fundación Bioquímica Argentina y Confederación Unificada Bioquímica de la República Argentina, integradas por nefrólogos y bioquímicos, realizaron un consenso actualizado sobre la utilización del FG como herramienta de detección de la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en la Argentina. Se analizó la bibliografía existente y, teniendo en cuenta aspectos de nuestra realidad sanitaria, se establecieron sugerencias para su utilización. Se actualizaron las indicaciones del uso del FG medido. En sucesivos capítulos se puso foco en distintos estados del FG en diversas poblaciones y situaciones. En los estados de reducción del FG, se mencionaron tanto los fisiológicos propios del envejecimiento, como los determinados por situaciones patológicas, por ejemplo, el observado en la ERC avanzada o el determinado en aquellos pacientes que recibieron un trasplante renal. Se revisaron, por otro lado, las situaciones de incremento del FG, como las observadas en el embarazo o en la obesidad. Se refirieron, asimismo, las limitaciones de la estimación del FG, se reconoció su valor en situaciones de la práctica clínica habitual, o en contextos epidemiológicos definidos y se sugirieron las ecuaciones más adecuadas para su utilización en cada caso.

Abstract The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is considered the best index to assess the renal function in clinical practice. Recently, the use of equations to estimate GFR in different populations, based on the serum levels of some biomarkers, has gained popularity. However, not all the equations have been validated in the various likely clinical scenarios. Thus, the participating societies, i.e. the Argentine Society of Nephrology, the Argentine Association of Biochemistry, the Argentine Foundation of Biochemistry, and the Unified Confederation of Biochemistry of Argentina, composed of nephrologists and biochemists, have established an updated consensus on the use of the GFR as a tool for the detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Argentina. The consensus was established on the basis of the analysis of the existing literature and taking into account aspects of the health situation in Argentina. Suggestions for the use of the GFR were made, and the indications for its use were updated. The successive chapters of the consensus consider different values of the GFR in different populations and situations. The different situations considered and reviewed include cases of a decrease in the GFR, such as the physiological one related to aging and that related to pathological situations, as observed in advanced CKD or in patients who have received a kidney transplant, as well as cases of an increase in the GRF, such as that observed in pregnancy or obesity. The consensus also mentions the advantages and limitations of the estimation of the GFR in situations of usual clinical practice or in specific epidemiological contexts, and the most appropriate equations for its use in each case is suggested.

Resumo A filtração glomerular (FG) é considerada o melhor índice para avaliar a função renal na prática clínica. Recentemente, a utilização de equações que calculam a FG, em diferentes populações, ganhou popularidade a partir dos níveis séricos de alguns biomarcadores. Entretanto, nem todas as fórmulas têm sido validadas nos diversos cenários clínicos prováveis. As sociedades participantes: Sociedade Argentina de Nefrologia, Associação Bioquímica Argentina, Fundação Bioquímica Argentina e Confederação Unificada Bioquímica da República Argentina, integradas por nefrologistas e bioquímicos, realizaram um consenso atualizado sobre a utilização da FG, como ferramenta de detecção da doença renal crônica (DRC) na Argentina. Foi analisada a bibliografia existente e, considerando aspectos da nossa realidade sanitária, foram estabelecidas sugestões para sua utilização. Foram atualizadas as indicações do uso da FG medida. Em sucessivos capítulos se colocou o foco em diferentes estados da FG em populações e situações diversas. Nos estados de redução da FG, foram mencionados tanto os fisiológicos próprios do envelhecimento, quanto os determinados por situações patológicas, por exemplo, aquele observado na DRC avançada ou o determinado naqueles pacientes que receberam um transplante renal. Por outra parte, foram revistas as situações de aumento da FG como as observadas na gravidez ou na obesidade. Foram referidas, também, as limitações da estimativa da FG, foi reconhecido o seu valor em situações da prática clínica habitual, ou em contextos epidemiológicos definidos e se sugeriram equações mais adequadas para sua utilização em cada caso.

Humans , Biomarkers , Consensus , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Kidney Function Tests , Patients , Periodicals as Topic , Population , Preceptorship , World Health Organization , Biochemistry , Aging , Zona Glomerulosa , Kidney Transplantation , Aftercare , Transplants , Diagnosis , Filtration , Nephrologists , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Kidney , Nephrology , Obesity
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 158 p.
Thesis in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393264


Introduction: Low birth weight (LBW), a proxy for hostile intrauterine environment, has been associated with these diseases in adulthood. In Brazil, there is scarce literature on the association of LBW with blood pressure (BP) or kidney and pancreatic functions in adults. The big ELSA-Brasil database allowed to explore whether: 1) pre-diabetic individuals could have kidney function impairment, detectable by renal biomarkers; 2) LBW is associated with less favorable BP levels and kidney and pancreatic function in adulthood compared to normal birth weight. Objectives: To analyze the association of LBW with BP and biomarkers of kidney and endocrine-pancreatic function in adults without DM or nephropathy. The specific objectives were: Paper 1: to review the literature on the prevalence of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) in pre-diabetic individuals. Paper 2: to assess serum Cystatin C (sCys C) as an early marker of kidney dysfunction in individuals without DM. Paper 3: to compare BP levels and kidney function biomarkers (estimated glomerular filtration rate - eGFR, albumin-creatinine ratio - ACR and sCys C) according to the presence of LBW and to analyze their associations with BP and kidney function biomarkers in individuals without DM or nephropathy. Paper 4: to compare markers of ß-cell function and insulin sensitivity (HOMA-ß, HOMA-IR, HOMA-AD, QUICKI, TyG and TG/HDL) according to the presence of LBW and to analyze LBW associations with markers of ß-cell function and insulin sensitivity. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of ELSA-Brasil data includes 2 fronts: assessment of the LBW associations with BP and kidney function and with endocrine-pancreatic function. Individuals aged > 60 years, BMI < 18.5 kg/m², DM, kidney, thyroid and liver dysfunction were excluded. Sociodemographic data, lifestyle, birth weight and previous diseases were collected by questionnaires, and clinical and laboratory data in the HU/USP. Dependent variables were BP, biomarkers of kidney and pancreatic functions, and independent variable was LBW. Categorical variables were compared using the chi-squared test and continuous variables by Student t test or the Wilcoxon test. Multiple linear regression models were employed to analyze associations between LBW and the outcome variables. Directed acyclic graph (DAG) was used to make the minimum necessary adjustment to the models. The propensity score method was applied to homogenize differences in sample size. Results: Paper 1: Prevalence of DKD ranged from 4.5 to 26.0% in pre-diabetic individuals. Considering eGFR in isolation, the prevalence rates varied from 4.5 to 21.3%, based only on ACR from 7.0 to 26.0% and based on combined criteria the prevalence was between 12.3 and 17.7%. Paper 2: Pre-diabetic individuals had higher sCys C levels than normoglycemic ones [0.67 (0.41-0.95) vs 0.48 (0.31-0.81) mg/L, p<0.001] and lower eGFR (96.3±17.4 vs 100.6±17.1 mL/min/1.73m², p<0.001). Normoglycemic hyperfiltrating individuals had lower sCys C than normofiltrating ones (p=0.035). Comparing eGFR levels between groups, this gradually decreased as the sCys C and ACR parameters worsened (p-trend=0.06). Paper 3: The LBW group had higher systolic (p=0.015) and diastolic BP (p=0.014) and ACR values (p=0.031), and lower eGFR (p=0.015) than normal birth weight. The preterm group had higher mean BP levels, but no difference in kidney function was detected. In a regression model, BP levels were associated with LBW, but this association disappeared after adding prematurity, which remained associated with BP (p=0.017). Having applied propensity score matching, LBW was associated with ACR (p=0.003), but not with eGFR or BP levels. Paper 4: Individuals with LBW or normal birth weight reported similar BMI at the age 20 years and current BMI was slightly lower in the LBW group. Cardiometabolic and endocrine-pancreatic function parameters were within normal ranges. In regression analysis, log-transformed HOMA-ß, but not the other indexes, was associated with LBW (p=0.014) independent of sex, skin color, prematurity, and family history of DM. After applying propensity score matching LBW was associated with HOMA-AD and TG/HDL indexes. Discussion: Our findings suggest that individuals with near-normal glucose metabolism disturbance could have some impaired kidney function. Looking at early-life risk factors is relevant since their associations with BP and renal and pancreatic function biomarkers could already be identified even in healthy individuals, without DM and nephropathy. Prospective studies are needed to assess the predictive value aiming at proposing prevention measures.

Introdução: O baixo peso ao nascer (BPN), proxy de ambiente intrauterino hostil, tem sido associado a estas doenças no adulto. Em nosso meio, é escassa a literatura sobre associações de BPN com pressão arterial (PA) e função renal e endócrino-pancreática em adultos. O extenso banco de dados ELSA-Brasil permitiu explorar se: 1) indivíduos pré-diabéticos já poderiam apresentar acometimento renal, detectado de forma precoce por biomarcadores; 2) o BPN associar-se-ia no adulto à PA e marcadores de função renal e endócrino-pancreática mais desfavoráveis que nascidos de peso adequado. Objetivos: Analisar a associação do BPN com PA e marcadores de função renal e endócrino-pancreática em adultos sem DM e sem nefropatia. Os objetivos específicos foram: no Artigo 1, rever a literatura sobre a prevalência de doença renal diabética em indivíduos pré-diabéticos; Artigo 2, analisar a cistatina C sérica (sCys C) como marcador precoce de disfunção renal em indivíduos sem DM do ELSA-São Paulo; Artigo 3, comparar os valores de PA e de marcadores de função renal (taxa de filtração glomerular estimada - TFGe, razão albumina-creatinina - ACR e sCys C) segundo a presença de BPN e analisar sua associação com PA e marcadores de função renal, em indivíduios sem DM e nefropatia; Artigo 4, comparar os valores de marcadores de função de células ß e sensibilidade à insulina (HOMA-ß, HOMA-IR, HOMA-AD, QUICKI, TyG e TG/HDL), segundo a presença de BPN e analisar sua associação com marcadores de função de células ß e sensibilidade à insulina. Métodos: Análises transversais de dados do ELSA-Brasil contemplaram 2 frentes, associação do BPN com PA e função renal e com função pancreática. Foram excluídos indivíduos com >60 anos, IMC <18,5 kg/m², DM, disfunção renal, tireoidiana e hepática. Dados sociodemográficos e de saúde foram coletados por questionários e os clínico-laboratoriais no HU/USP. As variáveis dependentes foram PA, marcadores de função renal e pancreática e a independente o BPN. Variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo qui-quadrado e contínuas por teste t de Student ou Wilcoxon. Usou-se regressão linear múltipla para testar associações do peso ao nascer com desfechos e DAG para obter os mínimos ajustes necessários nos modelos. Aplicou-se o escore de propensão para homogeneizar diferenças nos tamanhos amostrais. Resultados: Artigo 1: Verificou-se prevalência de 4,5 a 26,0% de nefropatia diabética no pré-DM. Com base na TFGe, esta taxa variou de 4,5 a 21,3%, na albuminúria de 7,0 a 26,0% e quando combinadas de 12,3 a 17,7%. Artigo 2: Indivíduos com pré-DM tiveram maiores valores de sCys C que os normoglicêmicos [0,67 (0,41-0,95) vs 0,48 (0,31-0,81) mg/L, p<0,001] e menores de TFGe (96,3±17,4 vs 100,6±17,1 mL/min/1,73m², p<0,001). Normoglicêmicos hiperfiltrantes apresentaram valores menores de sCys C que os normofiltrantes (p=0,035). Comparando a TFGe entre os grupos, observou-se queda gradual à medida que pioravam a sCys C e ACR (p-trend=0,06). Artigo 3: O grupo com BPN apresentou níveis mais altos de PA sistólica (p=0,015), diastólica (p=0,014) e de ACR (p=0,031), e menores de TFGe (p=0,015) que o grupo nascido com peso normal. Os prematuros apresentaram níveis médios de PA mais altos que os nascidos com peso normal, mas não houve diferença em marcadores de função renal. À análise de regressão, níveis de PA sistólica e diastólica associaram-se com BPN, mas tal associação não se manteve após incluir prematuridade no modelo, a qual permaneceu associada com PA (p=0,017). Após aplicar escore de propensão, o BPN associou-se com ACR (p = 0.003) mas não com TFGe. Artigo 4: Indivíduos com BPN ou peso normal relataram valores similares de IMC aos 20 anos e o atual foi ligeiramente menor no grupo BPN. Seus dados cardiometabólicos e função endócrino-pancreática foram normais. Em análise de regressão, o HOMA-ß mas não outros índices associou-se ao BPN (p=0,014) independente do sexo, cor, prematuridade e história familiar de DM. Após aplicar o escore de propensão, BPN manteve associação com HOMA-AD e TG/HDL. Conclusão: Nossos achados sugerem que indivíduos com alterações iniciais do metabolismo da glicose já podem apresentar biomarcadores de função renal comprometidos. Atentar-se a eventos precoces da vida como o BPN e prematuridade é relevante, uma vez que associações com PA e biomarcadores de função renal e endócrino-pancreática já podem ser identificadas mesmo em indivíduos saudáveis sem DM e nefropatia. Estudos prospectivos são necessários para avaliar o valor preditivo vislumbrando propor medidas de prevenção.

Infant, Low Birth Weight , Insulin Resistance , Diabetic Nephropathies , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Infant, Premature , Biomarkers , Creatinine , Albumins , Kidney Diseases
Acta cir. bras ; 37(1): e370107, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413349


Purpose: To analyze the role of serum creatinine levels as a biomarker of intracranial aneurysm outcomes. Methods: This is a prospective analysis of outcomes of patients with intracranial aneurysm. One hundred forty-seven patients with serum creatinine at admission and 6 months follow up were included. Linear and logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. Modified Rankin scale (mRS) was used to assess outcome. Results: Creatinine level was not directly related to aneurysm outcome nor aneurysm rupture (p > 0.05). However, patients with a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) lower than 72.50 mL·min­1 had an odds ratio (OR) of 3.049 (p = 0.006) for worse outcome. Similarly, aneurysm rupture had an OR of 2.957 (p = 0.014) for worse outcomes. Stepwise selection model selected 4 variables for outcomes prediction: serum creatinine, sex, hypertension and treatment. Hypertensive patients had, on average, an increase in 0.588 in mRS (p = 0.022), while treatment with microsurgery had a decrease in 0.555 (p = 0.038). Conclusions: Patients with higher GFR had better outcomes after 6 months. Patients with higher GFR had better outcomes after 6 months. Creatinine presented an indirect role in GFR values and should be included in models for outcome prediction.

Humans , Intracranial Aneurysm/prevention & control , Creatinine/analysis , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Linear Models
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 691-696, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927563


BACKGROUND@#Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) remains a serious health threat worldwide. We aimed to investigate whether low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) can promote organ function recovery in moderate Covid-19 pneumonia patients.@*METHODS@#We initiated an LMWH protocol in Covid-19 patients with increased D-dimer, body mass index >30 kg/m2 or a history of diabetes from January 18, 2020 at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. In this retrospective study, we assigned moderate Covid- 19 pneumonia patients admitted between January 18th and April 18, 2020 receiving the LMWH protocol to the LMWH group. Moderate patients who met the inclusion criteria but did not receive LMWH protocol were included in the control group by 1:2 propensity score matching. General clinical information, indicators for renal function, arterial blood gas analyses, arterial blood lactic acid content (mmol/L), and coagulation indexes at 0 day, 3 days, 7 days, and 11 days after admission were recorded and compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#There were 41 patients in the LMWH group and 82 patients in the control group. General information in both groups were similar. Compared to the control group, the arterial blood lactic acid content (mmol/L) at day 11 (1.3 [1.1, 1.7] vs. 1.2 [0.9, 1.3], P = 0.016) was reduced in the LMWH group. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in the LMWH group was higher than that in the control group at day 7 (108.54 [89.11, 128.17] vs. 116.85 [103.39, 133.47], P = 0.039) and day 11 (113.74 [94.49, 126.34] vs. 128.31 [112.75, 144, 12], P  = 0.003). The serum creatinine levels (Scr) in the LMWH group were lower than that in the control group at day 7 (62.13 [51.47, 77.64] vs. 55.49 [49.50, 65.75], P = 0.038) and day 11 (63.35 [50.17, 75.73] vs. 51.62 [44.62, 61.24], P = 0.005).@*CONCLUSIONS@#LMWH treatment can reduce arterial blood lactic acid levels and improve eGFR in moderate Covid-19 pneumonia patients. Randomized controlled trials are warranted to further investigate this issue.@*TRIAL, ChiCTR2000034796.

Humans , COVID-19 , China , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Heparin, Low-Molecular-Weight/therapeutic use , Lactic Acid , Retrospective Studies
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 33(2): 5728-5756, jun 2022. imag
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1434440


Introducción: La lesión renal aguda asociada con el uso de medios de contrastes yodados (LRA-MCI) es un trastorno iatrogénico con potenciales implicaciones en morbilidad y mortalidad, motivo de preocupación en los servicios de imágenes. Los últimos años han marcado cambios importantes en la concepción que se tiene sobre esta entidad, desde una definición más precisa y su verdadera incidencia hasta el impacto real de algunas estrategias para su prevención.Objetivo: Generar recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para el uso de medios de contraste yodados e n pacientes sometidos a procedimientos radiológicos terapéuticos y de diagnóstico, mediante un consenso de expertos. Metodología: A partir de la formulación de preguntas de investigación relacionadas con la LRA-MCI se realizó la búsqueda de evidencia en PubMed, Embase y Scopus, entre enero de 2013 y agosto de 2022. Los artículos se seleccionaron por medio de una revisión sistemática y con la metodología de consenso Delphi modificado. La calidad de los documentos se valoró aplicando instrumentos de evaluación de calidad de la evidencia de los documentos. Resultados:Se formularon 22 recomendaciones para el manejo de pacientes que requieren administración de medio de contraste yodado. Un panel de 11 expertos, entre los que se contó con 4 nefrólogos, 4 radiólogos y 1 nefrólogo pediatra, participaron en la elaboración del consenso en 5 sesiones virtuales y 15 horas de trabajo.Conclusiones: El término lesión renal aguda asociada al uso de medios de contraste yodados (LRA-MCI) debe usarse idealmente y abandonar otras definiciones que infieren una causalidad manifiesta. Su incidencia: los datos recientes demuestran que se ubica muy por debajo de lo tradicionalmente considerado. Solo una baja tasa de filtración glomerular estimada (TFGe) se considera factor de riesgo independiente. Respecto a su prevención, únicamente la hidratación ha mostrado un potencial beneficio como medida nefroprotectora.

Introduction: Acute kidney injury associated with the use of iodinated contrast media (AKI-ICM) is an iatrogenic disorder with potential implications in morbidity and mortality, a cause for concern in imaging services. The last few years have marked important changes in the conception of this entity, from a more precise definition and its true incidence to the real impact of some strategies for its prevention. Objective: To generate evidence-based recommendations for the use of iodinated contrast media in patients undergoing diagnostic and therapeutic radiological procedures, by means of an expert consensus. Methodology: Based on the formulation of research questions related to AKI-ICM, a search for evidence was carried out in PubMed, Embase and Scopus, between January 2013 and August 2022. The articles were selected by means of a systematic review and with the modified Delphi consensus methodology. The quality of the papers was assessed by applying paper evidence quality assessment instruments. Results: Twenty-two recommendations were formulated for the management of patients requiring administration of iodinated contrast medium. A panel of 11 experts, including 4 nephrologists, 4 radiologists and 1 pediatric nephrologist, participated in the development of the consensus in 5 virtual sessions and 15 hours of work. Conclusions: The term acute kidney injury associated with the use of iodinated contrast media (AKI-ICM) should ideally be used and other definitions that infer overt causality abandoned. Its incidence: recent data show that it is well below that traditionally considered. Only a low estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is considered an independent risk factor. Regarding its prevention, only hydration has shown a potential benefit as a nephroprotective measure

Acute Kidney Injury , Contrast Media , Glomerular Filtration Rate
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(5): e00061521, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374829


The NEPHROS is a randomized controlled trial which applied a 16-week aerobic and resistance training to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and high blood pressure. This report describes a long-term post-trial follow-up, comparing survival, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) change between the intervention and control groups according to in-trial cardiovascular risk factors. Three years after the original trial, NEPHROS participants were re-evaluated. Cox proportional hazards model was used to compare survival time and linear regression for changes in GFR and physical and mental HRQoL summary scores between intervention and control groups according to age, sex, and in-trial GFR, C-reactive protein, glucose, lipids, ankle-brachial index (ABI), functional capacity, and blood pressure. Of the 150 participants of NEPHROS, 128 were included in the long-term analysis. The previous exercise training had no effects on survival, GFR, or HRQoL. Baseline in-trial GFR (HR = 0.95, 95%CI: 0.92; 0.98) and ABI (HR = 0.03, 95%CI: 0.002; 0.43) were positive independent predictors for survival. Lower ABI (coefficient = 9.00, 95%CI: 0.43; 17.5) and higher systolic blood pressure (coefficient = -0.13, 95%CI: -0.24; -0.03) were independent predictors for GFR decline. A 16-week exercise program had no long-term effect on survival, quality of life, or glomerular filtration in patients with CKD stages 2 to 4. Lower GFR and ABI and higher systolic blood pressure were associated with poorer prognosis among CKD patients.

O estudo NEPHROS é um ensaio controlado e randomizado que aplicou um programa de treinamento aeróbico e de força com duração de 16 semanas em pacientes com doença renal crônica e hipertensão arterial. O artigo descreve o seguimento pós-ensaio de longo prazo, comparando sobrevida, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (HRQoL) e mudança na taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (TFGe) entre o grupo de intervenção e o grupo controle, e de acordo com fatores de risco cardiovascular registrados durante o ensaio. Os participantes do estudo NEPHROS foram reavaliados três anos depois do ensaio original. Foi usada a razão de riscos proporcionais de Cox para comparar o tempo de sobrevida, e a regressão linear para comparar a mudança na TFGe e as pontuações gerais de HRQoL física e mental, entre os grupos de intervenção e controle, de acordo com idade, sexo e níveis durante o ensaio original de TFGe, proteína C-reativa, glicose, lipídios, índice tornozelo-braquial (ITB), capacidade funcional e pressão arterial. Entre os 150 participantes do NEPHROS, 128 foram incluídos na análise de seguimento. Não foi observado nenhum efeito do treinamento na sobrevida, TFGe ou HRQoL. As medidas durante o ensaio original de TFGe (HR = 0,95; IC95%: 0,92; 0,98) e ITB (HR = 0,03; IC95%: 0,002; 0,43) foram preditores positivos independentes de sobrevida. ITB mais baixo (coeficiente = 9,00; IC95%: 0,43; 17,5) e pressão sistólica mais alta (coeficiente = -0,13; IC95% -0,24; -0.03) foram preditores independentes de declínio da TFGe. O programa de exercício de 16 semanas não teve efeito no longo prazo sobre sobrevida, qualidade de vida ou mudança na taxa de filtração glomerular em pacientes com doença renal crônica de estágios 2 a 4. Níveis mais baixos de TFGe e ITB e pressão arterial sistólica mais elevada estiveram associados a prior prognóstico entre pacientes com doença renal crônica.

NEPHROS es un ensayo controlado aleatorio que aplicó un entrenamiento de 16 semanas aeróbico y de resistencia a pacientes con enfermedad crónica de riñón y presión alta. El informe actual describe un seguimiento de largo plazo post ensayo, comparando supervivencia, calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (HRQoL) y el cambio de tasa estimada de filtración glomerular (eGFR) entre los grupos de intervención y control, y según factores de riesgo cardiovascular en el ensayo. Tras tres años del ensayo original, los participantes en NEPHROS fueron reevaluados. Se usó el modelo de Cox de riesgos proporcionales para comparar el tiempo de supervivencia y la regresión lineal para comparar el cambio en los marcadores resumen eGFR, físicos y mentales HRQoL, entre los grupos de intervención y grupos de control, y según edad, sexo, y eGFR en el ensayo, proteína C-reactiva, glucosa, lípidos, índice tobillo-brazo (ABI), capacidad funcional y presión sanguínea. De los 150 participantes de NEPHROS, 128 personas fueron incluidas en el análisis a largo plazo. No se observó un cambio en el efecto del entrenamiento físico previo en la supervivencia, eGFR o HRQoL. La base de referencia en el ensayo eGFR (HR = 0,95; 95%CI: 0,92; 0,98) y ABI (HR = 0,03; 95%CI: 0,002; 0,43) fueron predictores independientes positivos para la supervivencia. Un más bajo ABI (coeficiente = 9,00; 95%CI: 0,43; 17,5) y una presión sistólica sanguínea más alta (coeficiente = -0,13; 95%CI -0,24; -0,03) fueron predictores independientes para la disminución de la eGFR. El programa de ejercicio de dieciséis semanas no tuvo un efecto a largo plazo en la supervivencia, calidad de vida o cambio en la filtración glomerular en pacientes con etapas 2 a 4 enfermedad crónica de riñón. Una eGFR y ABI más bajos, y una presión más alta sistólica de sangre estuvieron asociadas con una prognosis más escasa entre pacientes enfermedad crónica de riñón.

Humans , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , Hypertension , Quality of Life , Brazil , Exercise , Follow-Up Studies , Glomerular Filtration Rate